Debates around freedom of the press (Córdoba, 1879)


  • Líbera Guzzi Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET) Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades Universidad Nacional de Córdoba Argentina


Press, controversies, civilization, democracy


The appearance of printing and the debates around freedom of the press are an inherent aspect to the development of modern democracy. Several authors have argued that newspapers were a key to the emergence of a critical public sphere. The way this process took place in our country, subjected to colonial rule until the nineteenth century started, presents a set of peculiarities compared to what happened in Europe and the United States. This paper shows some of the features of this process, from the analysis of a controversy around the enactment of a press law for the province of Cordoba in 1879. Such controversy reconstructs discussions of the time about the role of the press, the public, and the relevance of communication rights to the validity and consolidation of the rule of law.


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How to Cite

Guzzi, L. (2016). Debates around freedom of the press (Córdoba, 1879). Improntas, (2), 140–162. Retrieved from