The Argentine Socialists and La Vanguardia in 1943: from the Antifascism to the Antiperonism


  • Claudio Panella Centro de Estudios en Historia | Comunicación | Periodismo | Medios (cehicopeme) Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Social Universidad Nacional de La Plata Argentina


La Vanguardia, editorials, Socialism, Peronism


In this paper is analyzed the political positioning of the newspaper La Vanguardia, official organ of the Socialist Party, during 1943. Its behavior is analyzed before and after the Coup D’etat of June of that year, from its vision of the conservative government presided by Ramón Castillo, first, and of the military government headed by General Pedro Ramírez, later. By extension, it is an approximation to the behavior of Argentine socialism in front of these administrations and the beginnings of the political life of Juan Domingo Perón.


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How to Cite

Panella, C. (2017). The Argentine Socialists and La Vanguardia in 1943: from the Antifascism to the Antiperonism. Improntas, (3), e003. Retrieved from