The informative microformat in smartwatches

Case study of the app «RTVE Informativos 24 horas»




journalism, glance journalism, new narratives, smartwatches


Technological development has influenced more mobile audiences with greater demand for new resources that allow them to communicate and be informed under this premise. Through the case study of Radio Televisión Española (RTVE)'s work, the authors analyze how the news microformat adapted to smart watches is developed, which at the moment is shown as not very innovative, without visual stimuli and with a strong dependence on the smartphone. 


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How to Cite

Sidorenko Bautista, P., & Garrido Pintado, P. (2021). The informative microformat in smartwatches: Case study of the app «RTVE Informativos 24 horas». Improntas, (9), e043.


