The value of the photography


  • Mydalis Mayline Lugo Marrero Universidad de Puerto Rico


value, photographs, reality, copy


This essay discusses the value and the meanings conferred, in Western society, to photography. I examine the reading contract established through the structuring of perception and realistic understanding of the photographic object. It also addresses the underlying logic about photography, the representation of reality attached to it and the link that have been established between reality and copy. It also looks at the sentimental education that we get about the photo. The affection that people have given, socially and culturally, to the object-photographic highlights its value of use. In the Modernity, structuring of perception has begun to generate some visual literacy.




How to Cite

Lugo Marrero, M. M. (2014). The value of the photography. Oficios Terrestres, 1(31), 124–135. Retrieved from