Censorship, cinema and society



cinema, censorship, State, market, Church


Censorship is often associated with a purely negative act oriented to the control over the production and circulation of works through prohibitions or limitations. This paper proposes a theoretical debate of this concept to put that conception into discussion. The starting point is the assumption of the existence of limits to the expression in any field, and the discussion of the concept of field in relation to cinematography, to observe their peculiarities and to identify their main actors. Pierre Bourdieu’s definition of structural censorship suggest that this one occurs in the field of cinema itself and that can be deployed both from prohibition policies, as well as protection and promotion. Thus, the ultimate goal of censorship is not restrict speech but to promote ideas and actions in society


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Author Biography

Fernando Ramírez Llorens, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Fernando Ramírez Llorens es licenciado y magister en Sociología. Es docente de Historia de los medios de comunicación y de Historia social Argentina en la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Actualmente dirige el Archivo Audiovisual del Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani y es miembro del grupo coordinador de la Red de Historia de los Medios (REHIME).



How to Cite

Ramírez Llorens, F. (2015). Censorship, cinema and society. Oficios Terrestres, 1(33), 77–98. Retrieved from https://perio.unlp.edu.ar/ojs/index.php/oficiosterrestres/article/view/2308