The Wolf Hideouts. Literature for Children and Reading



children’s literature, Dictatorship, reading, writing


Children’s literature, as income rather than perceptual and symbolic forms of society, is the object of analysis in this article. Fourty years after the military coup in Argentina, moment in wich the school has deployed its authoritarian model and literature for children was the target of numerous attacks and acts of violence, the authoress reflects on the ways in which social practices of reading and writing may remain subject to forms naturalized control and regulation. In that course, also it discusses the role of journalism aimed at children in Latin America and the communication of children’s literature as an intermediary dialogue between adults and children.


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How to Cite

Falbo, G. (2017). The Wolf Hideouts. Literature for Children and Reading. Tram[p]as De La Comunicación Y La Cultura, (78), e002. Retrieved from