La Nueva Provincia and its Legitimizing Discourse of State Terrorism



Mass media, Dictatorship, genocide, collaboration


During the last argentinian civil and military Dictatorship (1976-1983) a big part of journalism was not only a partner but a perpetrator necessary of this horror. To do this, from a system compound of some mass media, they built a otherness to which only it could face from extermination.
La Nueva Provincia newspaper has not only limited to legitimize the discourse provided by the military meeting, members of its directory had a close relationship with the Army from Bahía Blanca and its region, in order to make essential contributions to the systematic plan of disappearance, torture and extermination.



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How to Cite

Cereijo, R. (2017). La Nueva Provincia and its Legitimizing Discourse of State Terrorism. Tram[p]as De La Comunicación Y La Cultura, (78), e007. Retrieved from