«Juan is him, but he is also all of us»





Walsh, esma, body, documents


Martin Gras, exsubsecretario of Promoción de Derechos Humanos during both presidencies of Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, counts how it was his approximation to the Peronism and the anecdote of the day that he knew Juan D. Perón. He speaks on his friendship with Francisco «Paco» Urondo and the opportunities in which he treated with Rodolfo Walsh in the local of Noticias. He remembers his years of detention in the Escuela de Mecánica de la Armada (esma), the moment that he saw how they were moving Walsh’s body and the circumstances that led it to finding the papers of the journalist, among which was the story «Juan se iba por el río», which is still missing.


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How to Cite

Cereijo, R., & Papaleo, M. (2017). «Juan is him, but he is also all of us». Tram[p]as De La Comunicación Y La Cultura, (80), e012. https://doi.org/10.24215/2314-274Xe035