Before the Law. The Body Politic in the Dispute for the Gender



Dictatorship, body, feminizing, violence


From the testimony of a victim in the Monte Pelloni Judgment, the authoress reflects on the patriarchal violence, on the fingerprints that the violation leaves in the body, while it links itself with the gender and the aim to dominate the political of the feminine body. Violation, torture, criminalización of the diversity sexual, disappearance of the feminized bodies: the military government of the last Dictatorship did of the body an operable object to which the power had to give him form, educate it and discipline it. From his writing and his corporal performances, Néstor Perlongher resisted to the invisibility of the bodies, to the repression of the desire and to the disappearance of the sexual subversive.




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How to Cite

Cohendoz, M. (2017). Before the Law. The Body Politic in the Dispute for the Gender. Tram[p]as De La Comunicación Y La Cultura, (78), e010. Retrieved from