June 9, 1956: La Plata, Walsh and Mayoría





Walsh, Mayoría, June 9, 1956, journalism


From a communication and urban approach, the author explores in this article different aspects of the life of Rodolfo Walsh in La Plata and, above all, the events of June 9, 1956. The work reconstructs where and with whom Walsh was playing chess when the insurrection began and analyzes the itinerary that followed until his address and the reasons of its delay to arrive. He also touched on aspects of Operación masacre that had a hint of uncertainty: how Walsh approached the political weekly Mayoría, the role of his deputy director, Bruno Jacovella, and the implications for the journal of publishing the investigation that would denounce like no one the instrumentation of the State terrorism in Argentina.


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How to Cite

Díaz, C. «Tato». (2017). June 9, 1956: La Plata, Walsh and Mayoría. Tram[p]as De La Comunicación Y La Cultura, (80), e010. https://doi.org/10.24215/2314-274Xe033