Image and Education. Reflections about a Study Object, the Transited Trail and some Anticipation




methodology, research, image, textbooks


In this article we reflects about an object of study, the images of textbooks, and about the route taken in the investigation and analysis, which implies giving an account of the hesitations, the changes, the revisions that (re) construct the object with each approach we make. The text becomes a renewed exercise in communication and in a new opportunity to present the field of study of images, which exceeds the perspective raised by the artistic education or the conception that understands them as part of the resources for teaching without investigating too much about it, or validates them as triggers for the transmission of certain school contents.


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How to Cite

Cruder, G. (2018). Image and Education. Reflections about a Study Object, the Transited Trail and some Anticipation. Apuntes De comunicación, educación Y Discurso, (2), e010.



Apuntes de investigación