Area woman and sexual diversity. An experience of work

Una experiencia de trabajo



state organism, orientation, women


The Area Woman and Sexual Diversity, dependent on the Subsecretary of Social Action of the Government of the City of Santa Fe, across which the problematics of violence is approached towards the women, began to work in 2012, in tuning in with the entry in force of the Law 26.485 of Integral Protection to the Women. From the perspective of género, the space was created to give containment and orientation to the women and also to the males, centring his work on the transformation of the human relations on equitable experiences. This work realizes of the used methodology and of the results reached by this area.


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DE BEAUVOIR, Simone [1949] (1999). El segundo sexo. Buenos Aires: Sudamericana.

MAFFIA, Diana (2010). «Violencia y lenguaje: de la palabra del amo a la toma de la palabra». Ponencia presentada en el Encuentro Internacional sobre Violencia de Género. Buenos Aires.

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How to Cite

Mosna, A. (2015). Area woman and sexual diversity. An experience of work: Una experiencia de trabajo. Con X, (1), 97–106. Retrieved from


