What Butler left us. Each time and always an ethical and political concern.



Judith Butler, ethics, politics, gender, performativity, Argentina.


This article reflects on the ethical aspects of Judith Butler’s work since its very beginning with the revolutionary Gender Trouble up to her recent books. Based on a conversation about Education, Ethics and Gender with Butler that took place just before the philosopher’s visit to Argentinain September 2015, some issues she addressed to in her conferences and also a dinner to talk about our investigations –suggested by her and a promise she kept-, this work thematizes recurrent misunderstandingsaround some of Butler’s deepest philosophical questions to Feminist Theory, Political Philosophy and Ethics.

 Among other reasons, preventions on her particular conception of power and gender due to the extended assimilation between postmodernism and poststructuralism, a colonized academy that weigh us long before these issues were posed, reveals the strength of Butler points of view to challenge hegemonic ways of thinking about the subject, the agency, the body, the meaning of politics and ethics. These ethical and political concerns structure her work throughout her production encouraging us to detect how power restricts our regards each time we use non revised concepts.

Butler reminds us –as she did here when she pointed out to the limitsto claim the category of women when discussing femicides or gender violence, the vulnerability of bodies put on the line as “the people” – that our urgent located challenges require to open categories or to move forward when a particular theoryshows its limits.By accepting our contingencyand our historical character as human beings in struggle to live, we can stimulate dialogues about how to be respected and recognized. Also extending recognition to others who are still not recognized and keep on searching for freedom and justice for example in our postcolonial,postdictatorial or in other contexts. Because of that inspiring acuteness and sensitivityButler left us longing to discuss her, to see her and discuss her with her soon and again.



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How to Cite

Godoy, D. (2016). What Butler left us. Each time and always an ethical and political concern. Con X, (2), e009. Retrieved from https://perio.unlp.edu.ar/ojs/index.php/conequis/article/view/CXe009


