There is not a single type of mother: diverse maternity experiences in the puerperium stage.



This paper examines the diversity of experiences women undergo during the puerperium stage, considering a plural notion of ‘maternities’, aiming to understand the role of the mother, and the gender-related roles associated to it. Furthermore; the tensions, redefinitions and resistances observed in the practices and the speech of the women regarding the maternity hegemonic model is inquired into; focusing on the puerperium stage, considering this phase the one in which the most substantial changes in the body emerge, along with subjectivity and identity variations in the women.

Key Words: Maternities; Sex-generic roles; Diversity; Hegemony.


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How to Cite

Oviedo, D. M. (2016). There is not a single type of mother: diverse maternity experiences in the puerperium stage. Con X, (2), e012. Retrieved from


