
Login or Register to make a submission.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The subsmission has not been previously published nor has been reviewed in another journal (or an explanation has been sent under «Comments to the Editor»).
  • The submitted file has Microsoft Word, RTF o WordPerfect format and it does not have activated the Track Changes Systems.
  • If possible, URL addresses will be given for references.
  • In the step «Enter metadata» you have entered all authors and stated the ORCID number.
  • In the step «Load complementary files» you have uploaded illustrations, figures, tables and photographs that are part of your article (if any) in JPG or TIF formats.
  • The text complies with the style and reference requirements mentioned under Author’s Guidelines.
  • If the submission is sent to a peer refereed section, has insured of following the available instructions under Ensuring Anonymous Peer Review.

Author Guidelines

∎ GENERAL guidelines

The materials must be ORIGINAL and UNPUBLISHED, not have been simultaneously submitted to other publications or be pending evaluation for publication in any other medium.

Cuadernos de H ideas only publishes unpublished materials, although it does not require exclusivity: the papers can be published later in any language, medium and format, provided that it is indicated that the text was originally published in this journal.

In all cases, the works are published under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0).

Texts that do not comply with the guidelines indicated below will be returned to the authors so that they can adapt them within the stipulated deadlines and will not be sent to the arbitration instance until they are adapted to these editorial standards.



∎ Guarantee for the BLIND REVIEW

To contribute to the anonymity of the peer review process, authors are asked to verify that they have followed the following steps:

- In the file properties, the author's identification has been removed (using the option "Remove personal information from file properties when saving").
- The version that lacks authorship data has been sent as "Text of the article" and this information has been included in the document "Cover for reference".
- In the cases in which the authors cite their own works, the information that would allow the reviewers to infer authorship has been eliminated and the legend has been placed in its place, using tweezers and in capital letters: <INFORMATION DELETED TEMPORARILY FOR NO VIOLATE THE BLIND REVIEW PROCESS>.
- In the latter case, the "Original Work" has been included in the sending of materials, which has the references that were modified in the version for review (this document is the one that the editor will use to replace this data during the layout process ).

∎ Materials to include in the SHIPPING

- Text of the article (without authorship data)
- Cover for reference (download)
- Declaration of originality (download)
- Authorization of non-exclusive transfer of rights and declaration of conflict of interest (download)
- Where applicable, the original work must be included in the submission with the replacement of the excluded references for a correct blind review.

∎ Characteristics of the TEXTS

- Format: the work must be in Microsoft Word format and the change control system must not be activated.
- Length: the works will have a minimum length of 30 thousand characters (with spaces) and a maximum of 70 thousand characters (with spaces).
- Typography: Times New Roman 11, 1.5 line spacing (without tabs, indents or special formats).
- Titles: for layout reasons, the main title may not exceed 60 characters with spaces; if necessary, a secondary title may be included to expand or complement it. Neither steering wheels nor drops are used.
- Authorship data: the texts should not include information about the authors (these data will be included in the "Cover for reference" that must be attached during the shipment).
- Header, footer, page number: should not be incorporated.


Job extension

- Articles: up to 22 veneers, size A 4.
- Communications: up to 12 veneers, size A 4.
- Notes, interviews and comments: up to 8 veneers, size A 4.
- Bibliographic reviews: up to 4 pages, size A 4
- Translations: they are valid for the first three categories and the submission must have the authorization of the author and the medium in which it was originally published.

∎ GRAPHICS and IMAGES treatment

- Photographs, screenshots, graphics and tables must be included in the body of the text (if necessary, the editor will contact the authors to request the graphics or images separately) .
- Tables and tables must be sent in doc format. or xls (not as image) and will be numbered consecutively.
- Image caption: in all cases, the complete reference (title, author, year) must be indicated below each element, preceded by the word "Figure" and, where appropriate, the source from which it was obtained. If the authorship of the resource corresponds to the author of the article, it will be indicated: «Source: own elaboration».


          Example (image caption)
          Figure 1. Research prototype on digital corpus (Moya Muñoz, 2015)
          Figure 2. Cover of La Argentina, October 31, 1830 (Source: author's personal archive)
          Figure 3. Categories included in the Informative Discourse analysis protocols (Source: own elaboration)

The journal assumes that the authors have the authorization to reproduce the graphics and images included in their work and delegates any responsibility derived from improper use to them.


- Italic: it will be used for titles of publications and works (books, magazines, newspapers, records, pictures, etc.), for terms that do not belong to the Spanish language and as a resource to highlight words or ideas.
- Bold: will be used only for titles and subtitles.
- Underlined: should not be used.

It is recommended not to highlight words or phrases; if essential, italics must be used (never quotes, bold or underlined).

∎ Inclusion of NOTES and EPIGRAPHES

- Notes will be used to record clarifications, comments or further information (not to indicate bibliographic references).
- They must be incorporated through the option «References. Insert note at the end »(not manually).
- The numbers that indicate note references will be placed outside the punctuation marks.
- Maximum length of the text of a note: 800 characters with spaces.

- The headings can be included at the beginning of the main text or at the beginning of an interior section.
- In any case, the name and surname of the author must be indicated, and the year of the work from which the fragment was extracted.
- The data of the works cited through this resource must also be included in the final list of references.
- Maximum length of the text of an epigraph: 300 characters with spaces.

   Example (start heading):
   Research in Latin America is embodied,
   fully, in the history of achievements and difficulties
   of the processes of struggle against dictatorship, poverty and domination.
   Miquel de Moragas (2011)



- Acronyms: the first time they are used, they will be fully clarified: National University of La Plata (UNLP); in successive mentions, only the initials will be entered.
- Units of measurement: they will be recorded using the symbols accepted by the International Office of Weights and Measures (cm, m, h, g, kg).
- Quantities: every three digits the period will be used as a separator (1,238 / 15,621) and the comma will be used to indicate the decimal numbers (25.2 / 4,567.6).


In case of including acknowledgments, these should be brief and located at the end of the text, before the final list of bibliographic references.

The authors are responsible for requesting the necessary permissions to mention the names of the people or organizations that, in their opinion, deserve their thanks.


In both direct and indirect citations, the first time an author is mentioned, the full name will be entered; in successive mentions, only the surname.

In direct citations (enclosed in quotation marks), the page number (s) preceded by the corresponding abbreviation (p. / Pp.) Must always be indicated.

Direct citation
- Textual fragments will be indicated by Spanish quotation marks (""); if a second level is necessary, the anglo-Saxon quotation marks ("") will be used.
- If cuts or comments are introduced in the textual fragments, these will be indicated by square brackets ([…]).

Featured quotes
- When the textual citations exceed 40 words, they will be composed by side (separate paragraph, with indentation, without quotation marks, single line spacing and font smaller than the text).

Citation in another language
- If a fragment of a material that is not translated into Spanish is cited in the text, a footnote must include the translation made by the author of the article.
- If the text contains the translation of a material made by the author of the article, the fragment in the original language must be cited in a footnote.
- In both cases, the translation carried out by the author of the article must be accompanied by the clarification: Translation by the author of the article.

Quotes with highlights
- For the words highlighted in the original of a quote or highlighted by the author of the article, italics will be used and the corresponding indication will be included at the end of the fragment: (highlighted in the original) or (the highlighted one is ours).



The journal uses the Anglo-Saxon citation system (author-year) and for the assembly of the references it adopts the guidelines established by the APA Standards.

Inside the text

By using parentheses, the incorporation of the data that make up the bibliographic references will be adjusted to the following criteria:

Direct citation + mentioned author
(year of the work, after the author's last name, and page number, after the citation)

The interaction of the basic principles forms what Isidoro Moreno (1991) calls the cultural matrix, understood as “a non-harmonic system, with contradictions and imbalances, that functions in each individual as […] matrix of their identity” (p. 63 ).

Direct citation + mentioned author
(last name of the author, year of the work and page number after the citation)

The epistemic mode is defined by its possibility of providing "[...] (visual) information about the world, which in this way allows it to know, even in certain non-visual aspects" (Aumont, 1992, p. 84).

Indirect quote / paraphrase + mentioned author
(only the year of the work after the surname of the author)

As Marta Lamas (2000) expresses, the category of gender refers to a construction and a social system of relationships that is constituted from the cultural symbolization of anatomical and sexual differences that would correspond to the definition of sex.

Indirect quote / paraphrase + mentioned author
(last name of the author and year of the work after the corresponding idea)

The educational system is configured as a fragmented institutional aggregate (Tiramonti, 2005) that is carried out through dynamics through which it responds to the demand for massification based on an inclusion in different fragments.

Support quotes
(surname of the authors and year of the works after the corresponding fragment)

The differences and the selection processes of the students not only act through the differential obtaining of credentials according to the educational level, but, mainly, through school circuits that differentiate the students in more silent ways according to their social position (Bowles & Gintis, 1981; Baudelot &Estat, 1990; Bourdieu & Passeron, 2003).

In supporting citations, the order of the authors mentioned will follow a chronological criterion (not alphabetical).

At the end of the text

- The references used in the text will be listed, at the end of the work, in alphabetical order.
- Only the materials cited or referred to within the text will be incorporated.
- Only the works in the press that allow access to its query will be consigned.
- The year of original edition of a work will be indicated when more than a decade has passed between the first edition and the edition consulted.
- Works by the same author: they must be ordered from the oldest to the most current and in the event that several correspond to the same year, the books will be placed first and then the articles, and after the year a letter that differentiates them (2011a , 2011b).
- Whenever possible, URL addresses will be provided for references.

Books (printed and electronic)

Saintout, F. (2006). Young people: the future came a long time ago. Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina: Prometheus.
Brandolini, A .; González Frígoli, M., and Hopkins, N. (2008). Internal communication. Keys to a successful management. Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina: La Crujía-DIRCOM.

Novomisky, S. and Iñiguez Rimoli, N. (Comps.) (2015). El Promer: educational policies and social inclusion. A reflective look at rurality in the province of Buenos Aires. Retrieved from
Díaz, C. L (2016). Diaries and social imaginaries in the transition to democracy. El Herald, La Prensa and El Día (1982-1983). Recovered from

Books with a translator and books in another language

Han, B-C (2016). On power (Trad. Alberto Ciria). Barcelona, Spain: Herder.
Jodelet, D. (Comp.) (1989). Les représentations socials [Social representations]. Paris, France: PUEF.

Chapters of the book

Bruzzone, D. (2016). Young consumers of paco. Body, citizenship and power. In F. Saintout (Coord.), Argentine Youth: cultural practices, citizenship and participation (pp. 53-68). Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina: University Editor Group.

Articles in magazines (print and electronic)

Varela, A. (2004). The built city: experiences and urban stories from La Plata. KAIRÓS. Journal of Social Issues, 8 (14), 17-24.
Díaz, C. B. (2019). Plots and tensions in Rodolfo Walsh's writing. Imprints of history and communication, (4), e013.
Ruiz, A., Mendoza, F. (2013). Teaching technical publishing in communication careers. Research Yearbook 2012. Retrieved from

Articles from newspapers and cultural magazines (with and without an author)

Fernández, P. (April 24, 1842). Spanish language exercises. El Mercurio, p. 3.
How Gymnastics cares about the physical culture of children (November 10, 1933). The Argentine, p. 8.
Bilyk, P. (2012, November 7). Ideologues of the divisions. Page 12. Retrieved from  
The loom of free words (November 2013). Corn, 1 (3). Retrieved from

Communications at conferences

Delmas, F. and Urtazún, M. C. (2012). Pathways, institutional gaps and strategies against violence against women. Paper presented at the VII Conference on Sociology of the National University of La Plata. La Plata, Argentina. Recovered from  


Sidun, A. (2015). Media constructions of meaning. Youth and thinness (PhD thesis). Recovered from   

Lecture notes

Villamayor, C. (2009). Plan and manage from a communication perspective (Chair note). Planning and Management of Communicational processes II. Faculty of Journalism and Social Communication. National University of La Plata, La Plata, Argentina.


Ciappina, C. (August 30, 2018). Argentina: before and after Peronism [conference]. Patria Institute. La Plata, Argentina.


Network of careers of social communication and journalism (REDCOM). (2019). Chairs. Recovered from  

Blog posts

Adichie, C. (2009). The danger of a single story [blog post]. Retrieved from

Movies, documentaries and videos

Scalella, L. A .; Mentasti, C. L. (Producers) and Carnevale, M. (Director). (2016). Inseparable [film]. Retrieved from
Torello, P. (Director and screenwriter). (2005). Stories of appeared [documentary]. Recovered from
Report (September 10, 2009). Zygmunt Bauman: Criticism as a Call for Change [video file]. Recovered from

Radio programs

Vallina, C., Gómez, L. and Bellini, C. (speakers). Cinema panorama: a weekly panorama of the seventh art [audio]. Recovered from


Rebourns, L. (2000). A boy in front of a tank [photograph]. Retrieved from

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∎ Steps to MAKE A SHIPMENT (Instructions in pdf

To start sending an article, you must Login (for this you must be registered in the journal with the author category), access Submissions / New submission and complete the five steps requested by the system.


Step 1: Start
At this point you must indicate the "Language", choose the "Section", verify and tick the different "Submission requirements" and, if you consider it necessary, enter "Comments for the editor".


Step 2: Upload shipment
After indicating what type of material you are going to upload, you must go to "Upload file" and attach the file with the article.
In "Add another file" you must attach the following documents: Cover page for referenceDeclaration of originality and Authorization of non-exclusive transfer of rights and declaration of conflict of interest
In the cases in which it corresponds, you must include in this step the original file with the replacement of the excluded references for a correct blind review

Step 3: Enter the metadata
At this point you must load the «Title», the «Abstract» and the «Keywords», both in Spanish and English.
In cases of multiple authorship, you must select "Add collaborator" and enter the data of the co-authors.
In this step you can also modify and / or complete your profile (ORCID identifier, institutional affiliation and biographical summary).


Step 4: Confirmation
At this point, the system confirms that your shipment is ready to be shipped and offers you the ability to go back to review the information uploaded in the previous steps.
When you consider that all the information is correct, you must click on "Finish shipment".


Step 5: Next steps
At this last point, the magazine informs you that it has been notified about your submission and that a confirmation email will be sent to you.
Verify that you have received this email since the URL is sent there that will allow you to follow the progress of the editorial process of your article.

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Privacy Statement

Names and e-mail addresses entered in this magazine will only be used to the purposes hereby declared and they will not be available to any other purpose or to outside parties.