Political identity and student associations of the UNLP, 1998-2001


  • Inés Margarita Hayes Universidad Nacional de La Plata
  • Laura Bernat Universidad Nacional de La Plata


Student Associations, Politics, XXth-century


This work analyse the discourses produced by the student-political asociations of the Universidad Nacional de La Plata in its electoral  platforms since 1998 to 2001.

We have taken the cultural studies aproach and the

“Key Words" metodology followed by Raymond Williams to examinate the continuity and disruptions of discursive constructions linked to big frame theories: historical materialism and liberalism in its multiple forms as they are used by the student association. This work explores and defines the political identities of the associations that were built in those years signaled by the economic and political crisis.

The references to the University Reform are a common theme in every platform from the ones made by the "materialist" associations to the ones that suscribes to "liberalism". State, society and democracy,  political parties, power and politics, education and the rol of intelectuals are the mainframes to analyse and build their political identities as student associations.

The importance of the theme is that the university has had an active role in the history and identity of the country reclaiming to itself a main part in the construction of society. In this sense, has been seen as a political actor in the intelectual and political formation of the citinzens.


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How to Cite

Hayes, I. M., & Bernat, L. (2012). Political identity and student associations of the UNLP, 1998-2001. Cuadernos De H Ideas, 1(1). Retrieved from https://perio.unlp.edu.ar/ojs/index.php/cps/article/view/1362


