La Vanguardia and the World War I. A construction and confrontation of political identities


  • Magalí Chiocchetti Universidad Nacional de La Plata


Argentina, World War I, socialism, identity


The article presents an account of how the Argentinian socialist Party constructed its political identity during the World War I. For this, the discourse employed by socialism in La Vanguardia –their official newspaper- has been analysed. This proyect shows the social representation of the European reality and, particulary, of those countries envolved in the War as elaborated by the newspaper. This has made it possible to specify the countries the Party felt identified with, the way in which socialism built its own identity from its assumed stance and, finally, the way the interaction process was achieved with its readership –from which socialism expected to gain political and ideological recognition.


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How to Cite

Chiocchetti, M. (2012). La Vanguardia and the World War I. A construction and confrontation of political identities. Cuadernos De H Ideas, 1(1). Retrieved from




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