Notes about the treatement of the press of the May 25th During the first Kirchnerismo, (2003-2007)


  • Julia de Diego Universidad Nacional de La Plata
  • Paula Salguero Universidad Nacional de La Plata


journalistic speech, may 25th, May' s Revolution, Kirchner's Goverment


To conceive to the Revolution of the May 25th of 1810 as a fundational fact of our country strengthens with the predominant place that the mainly national newspapers had historically given to the festivities in Argentina. Them may 25th of 2003, Nestor Kirchner assumed the presidency of the nation and for that fact, also, the event transformed in to the aniversary of his goberment. Starting from this coincidence, we proposo to analize of the representations linked to the history that were made in ‘La Nacion’ and ‘Clarin’ and the positions on the matter of the goberment and the presidential figure between ths 2003 and 2007. This study observes the present elements on the articles of opinion from the La nacion and Clarin newspapers, published between the may 20th and 27th of the 2003 and 2007.


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Author Biographies

Julia de Diego, Universidad Nacional de La Plata

Licenciada en Comunicación Social (FPyCS/UNLP). Doctoranda en Ciencias Sociales, (FAHCE/UNLP). Becaria del CONICET e investigadora en el Centro de estudios en Comunicación, Política y Sociedad (CPS/UNLP). Docente en la Cátedra de Historia de las Ideas y los Procesos Políticos. E-mail:

Paula Salguero, Universidad Nacional de La Plata

Licenciada en Comunicación Social y Doctoranda en Historia. Becaria Conicet con lugar de trabajo en el IdIHCS – FaHCE y Ayudante en la Cátedra de Historia de las Ideas y los Procesos Políticos. Integrante de equipos de investigación sobre violencia, familia y justicia criminal en la primera mitad delsiglo XIX (FaHCE) y sobre medios de comunicación e historia social (CPS-FPyCS).

How to Cite

de Diego, J., & Salguero, P. (2012). Notes about the treatement of the press of the May 25th During the first Kirchnerismo, (2003-2007). Cuadernos De H Ideas, 4(4). Retrieved from


