Changes and continuitys in a system with a predominant political party. A look to the competition between political entities in the province of Neuquén (1983-2007)


  • Lisandro Galucci Universidad Nacional del Comahue


Political Partities system, Provincial politic, Elections, Neuquén, Patagonia


 The work pretends to analyze the main transformations experimented by the political parties system of Neuquen since the restauration of the democracy, without neglect some of the implications that this transformations had got in the inside of the main political organizations that are present in the province. In this way of look, our hypothesis of work looks for the demostration of the predomination of the political paries system of the province does not respond to the electoral weight of the msot powerful party as well as a richer serie of factors that is necessary to add to the analysis. Between them, in what concerns to the political parties system, is for a special interest to explore the concecuences that the modifications in the electoral system had been taken place in the competition between political parties. In this way, checking on a critycal way the “exceptionality” of the province of Neuquen, constitutes a possible strategy to recognize some of the shared characteristics that it presents with the experimented transformations by others regional political arenas in the last twenty five years of democracy.


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Author Biography

Lisandro Galucci, Universidad Nacional del Comahue

Profesor en Historia, Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Doctorando en Ciencias Políticas por la Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Becario del CONICET e investigador en el Instituto de estudios Socio-Históricos Regionales (ISHIR), nodo Centro de Estudios Históricos Regionales (CEHIR)

How to Cite

Galucci, L. (2012). Changes and continuitys in a system with a predominant political party. A look to the competition between political entities in the province of Neuquén (1983-2007). Cuadernos De H Ideas, 4(4). Retrieved from


