A first approach to discourse analysis of Raúl Alfonsín


  • María Josefina Santillán Universidad Nacional de Tucumán


ethos, political discourse


This paper analyzes a political speech given by Raul Alfonsín from the balcony of Government House, on 23 May 1986. Our analysis is a first approximation for further study.

We believe that Raúl Alfonsín settled the problem of institutional strengthening of democracy and its values: justice, freedom, equality, human rights. In this framework, and by way of hypothesis, we hold that the reference speech, the president takes to build and establish a hegemonic reading about the past authoritarian and calls for democracy even in critical moments goes through the country. Also, to leave behind the past, dissertation aims to show the need for modernization national.

First offers a brief historical context to moment of speech. Secondly, we see a reading of Alfonsín about the past, and then analyze the presidential ethos Alfonsín built. Finally, we will give a conclusion.


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Author Biography

María Josefina Santillán, Universidad Nacional de Tucumán

Licenciada en Historia de la Universidad Nacional de Tucumán (UNT), Especialista en Ciencias Políticas (UNT). Docente de la materia “Cultura y Comunicación”, carrera de Comunicación Social de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la UNT. Miembro del Proyecto de Investigación “Cultura política contemporánea: ciudadanía, derechos y prácticas de exclusión. Una mirada interdisciplinaria.” Dirigido por la Dra. Casali de Babot, Judith. E-mail: josefinasantillan07@gmail.com

How to Cite

Santillán, M. J. (2012). A first approach to discourse analysis of Raúl Alfonsín. Cuadernos De H Ideas, 4(4). Retrieved from https://perio.unlp.edu.ar/ojs/index.php/cps/article/view/1402


