Anthropology has died. Five reviews to reconstitute the anthropology of XXI century


  • Mario Elmer Sánchez Dávila


anthropology, criticisms, Epistemology, theory.


At present, an important part of the anthropological discipline in Peru - within the framework of university education, research and academic publications, and, above all, the flow from the heart of the social life - seems to have borne trapped in the past. Consequently, this article suggests that anthropology may not become a healthy autocoherente, comprehensive and simple text while it does not understand and accept - and is reconstituted from - the five critical that turn pathological its textuality. And, therefore, it is proposed: 1. Recognize the neighbors-next-us of urbanity as objects-subjects of study. 2. Do not confuse redemption with research. 3. Sizing the ethnography as a means and not as an end in itself. 4. Rescue the anthropological metalanguage, both classic and contemporary. 5. Conceive semiology as the basis of the anthropological project.


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Author Biography

Mario Elmer Sánchez Dávila

Lic. en Comunicación y Periodismo (UPC) y Magíster en Antropología (PUCP). Profesor de Antropología Social (UPC).



How to Cite

Sánchez Dávila, M. E. (2014). Anthropology has died. Five reviews to reconstitute the anthropology of XXI century. Cuadernos De H Ideas, 7(7). Retrieved from



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