Biometrics and immigration control in Latin America



biometrics, migration, security


Biometric systems have begun to be used to identify, verify and classify the identity of a person based on physical or behavioral characteristics which is stored in computer networks. Currently its use reached a great expansion as a security system in general and as a strategy to control migration in particular also generates interest in the academic, social and political fields. This article, descriptive and exploratory, aims to make a characterization of the way it has been implemented in Latin America this strategy of immigration control and has raised discussions. The document is part of a broader research entitled "undocumented Andean Migration in Buenos Aires, Santiago de Chile and Sao Paulo: public policy and social actors" and aims to contribute in this way in the analysis and discussion of the impact of new strategies immigration control in the region.


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Author Biography

Fernando Neira Orjuela, Centro de Investigaciones sobre America Latina y el Caribe UNAM-México

Doctor en Estudios de Población por el Colegio de México, investigador tiempo completo del  Centro de Investigaciones sobre América Latina y el Caribe (CIALC) de la UNAM y es miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores Nivel  I.




How to Cite

Neira Orjuela, F. (2015). Biometrics and immigration control in Latin America. Cuadernos De H Ideas, 9(9). Retrieved from


