Political Parties and Satisfaction with Democracy «A look from the institutional framework of Latin America»





political parties, satisfaction with democracy, vitality of parties, palidity of parties


The article is developed from the research question: What is the incidence of satisfaction with democracy in the trust towards political parties in Latin America, 2017? Which is approached based on data from the annual public opinion survey of Latinobarometro that by 2017 involves 20,000 interviews in 18 Latin American countries representing more than 600 million people, where the development of democracies is observed using indicators of attitude, behavior and opinion. The Latinobarometro survey (2017) contributes to the study of certain indicators related to the satisfaction of democracy that could influence the electoral confidence dependent variable based on the Ordeded probit statistical model, which allows us to understand the degree of proximity of the variables. The revision of theoretical sources is based on the hypothesis: the greater satisfaction with democracy, the greater confidence in political parties. Or conversely, the less satisfaction with democracy, the less confidence in political parties, that is, the results could be presented directly and proportionally.


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How to Cite

Cabrera Benavides, L. L. (2020). Political Parties and Satisfaction with Democracy «A look from the institutional framework of Latin America». Cuadernos De H Ideas, 13(13), e030. https://doi.org/10.24215/23139048e030


