The press as a source in southern Patagonia at the beginning of the twentieth century


  • Silvina Noemí Lopez Rivera CONICET - Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia Austral, Argentina



Press, national territories, southern region


The construction of the imaginary of the different sectors of society is developed from various processes, both inward and outwardly. Within these processes, elements are established that make it possible to distinguish who is a part and who is not, both by belonging and by exclusion. The images that are built tell us a lot about the objectives and conditions of the sector in question, which in the case of Santa Cruz at the beginning of the twentieth century can be as diverse as proprietary sectors nucleated in spaces such as the Rural Society; or organized labor sectors in Workers' Federations in both Magallanes and Rio Gallegos. Within both groups, the composition was heterogeneous, both in terms of their nationalities, and in respect of their membership. In this sense, from the press both blocks express and discuss frequently issues that we can link with their ways and perspectives of understanding the processes and events, the ways of linking and acting, and the reasons and knowledge that support their positions. Revisiting journalistic sources based on theoretical contributions and new approaches would allow us to account for these elements on a regional scale. In this sense, it will be proposed to analyze the regional press of the time from a historical perspective and from different sectors, in relation to the way in which the discourses are constructed.


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How to Cite

Lopez Rivera, S. N. (2021). The press as a source in southern Patagonia at the beginning of the twentieth century. Cuadernos De H Ideas, 15(15), e046.


