Health Workers: Representations around the COVID 19 Pandemic in Argentina


  • Karina Ramacciotti Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET) / Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, Argentina
  • María Estela Fernández Universidad Nacional de Tucumán, Argentina



nursing, pandemic, working experiences, representations, senses


In Argentina, the COVID-19 pandemic exposed and deepened the conditions against which the demands of nursing personnel have historically been erected: moonlighting, job insecurity and lack of professional recognition, among others. The ten research articles gathered and presented here are based on the application of quantitative and qualitative methodological strategies to the analysis of interviews with nursing personnel carried out during the year 2021, articles from the press, public policies and data collected by a national survey. The ultimate contribution of this proposal lies in surveying and analyzing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on this sector, throughout the national territory. Indeed, the approach to nursing experiences in Buenos Aires, Chaco, Corrientes, La Pampa, Córdoba, Rosario and Santa Fe allows the reconstruction of a varied and complex map of meanings and representations and, at the same time, the visibility of the content of the demands of a sector historically subordinated within the health structure.


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How to Cite

Ramacciotti, K. ., & Fernández, M. E. . (2022). Health Workers: Representations around the COVID 19 Pandemic in Argentina. Cuadernos De H Ideas, 16(16), e059.




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