Social Protests in the Health Sector during a Pandemic: Analysis of Nursing in the Rosario City Press, Argentina




Pandemic, COVID-19, social protest, nursing, press, Rosario


The COVID-19 pandemic brought with it multiple changes in the world of work, modifying its routines, its forms of communication, labour ties, and even the ways in which discontent is expressed, manifested and channelled in the public space. This article analyses the particularities of the collective actions carried out by one of the actors in the health sector, the nursing profession, which had greater exposure in the context of the pandemic, strengthening a set of pre-existing tensions and demands. Without neglecting the national context, we will focus on the experience of the city of Rosario, as it enables us to account for the protest beyond the usual focus of national news attention in the Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires (AMBA). Firstly, we will review a set of theoretical and methodological choices and decisions made to account for the forms and practices of protest based on the press survey. Secondly, the itineraries of contentious action in the public space through protest in the health sector will be analyzed.


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How to Cite

Iglesias, E. ., Lucca, J. B. ., Bacolla, N. ., & Castro Rojas, S. . (2022). Social Protests in the Health Sector during a Pandemic: Analysis of Nursing in the Rosario City Press, Argentina. Cuadernos De H Ideas, 16(16), e071.


