There Is No Body with Which to Respond
Nursing, Gender and Pandemic in Times of COVID-19
nursing, pandemic, working conditions, careAbstract
Nursing occupies a key place in the health system, as it favours health, physical safety and the development of cognitive, physical or emotional skills of people. Its location within the health care chain has placed it in a care relationship with the medical field, where hierarchical and domination relationships doubly conditioned subordination with respect to the hegemonic medical discourse, and gender to consolidate itself as a feminized sector. The COVID-19 pandemic opens a series of questions about the types of alternatives that affect the care work provided by nursing, and that takes shape in the different regional scenarios. The demands generated by the health crisis affected the province of La Pampa with singularity, especially because the region manifested, prior to the pandemic, structural problems in specialized and professionalized training and the satisfaction of these is part of a process of accommodation, negotiation and tension within the sector, which influenced their working conditions.
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