Places to Think About the History of Philosophy: The II National Congress of Córdoba (1971)
history, philosophy, Argentina, second congressAbstract
The purpose of this article is to critically explore some places where the history of philosophy in Argentina is inscribed. Places that have tended to fall outside the histories of conceptual philosophy, but also outside the histories of intellectuals. Our starting point for this exploration are the national philosophy congresses that allow us to explore, not without oscillations, the 20th century of Argentine intellectuals and philosophers. Both because of their organization and their composition, these conferences are inseparable from university life and the political ups and downs that animated the country in the 20th century. Interrogating ourselves about the history of philosophy from these institutional places, and from their interstices, allows us to provide a socio-historical perspective that contributes to the understanding of the history of philosophical knowledge, inserting it into a cultural and political history of Argentina. In this sense, we are particularly interested in questioning the second national congress as a way to enter the history of philosophy in the seventies.
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