Prácticas comunicacionales/educativas en tiempo de restitución de lo público


  • Claudia Suárez Baldo Sánchez Universidad Nacional de La Plata
  • Sebastián Novomisky Universidad Nacional de La Plata


Communication, education, digital TV, Connect Equality


This paper revisits the proposal and the first advances of the research project called “Tecnological/digital inclusion Public Policies. Formative Process in public schools of the Buenos Aires Province: TV Digital y Conectar Igualdad”, which began to be developed in 2004, at the Centre for Research and Development of Media, Cultural Industries and TV (CEID–TV) led by Dr. Leonardo González, based in the School of Journalism and Social Communication at the UNLP. There is done a screening in educational practices that are linked with new technologies and communication/educational devices, performing an historical overview and a conceptual recovery problem.


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How to Cite

Sánchez, C. S. B., & Novomisky, S. (2018). Prácticas comunicacionales/educativas en tiempo de restitución de lo público. Tram[p]as De La Comunicación Y La Cultura, (77). Retrieved from