Role, Statute, and Challenges of the Intellectual in the Field of Communication

Concerning «Para leer al Pato Donald» (1971)




field, communication, Donald Duck, controversies, politics


The article has been prepared in the framework of the commemoration of the 50 years of Para leer al Pato Donald (1971), so it does not pretend to avoid the tone of recognition of a work that will mark the course of the field of communication in Latin America. The main objective is to recognize the historical role of the work, as well as it's status in the field. From this place, the role of the intellectual is examined, avoiding falling into the false dilemma of «the scientific and the academic» versus «the political and the ideological», for which a controversy generated after the publication of this work is taken up in the early 1970s.


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How to Cite

del Valle, C. . (2021). Role, Statute, and Challenges of the Intellectual in the Field of Communication: Concerning «Para leer al Pato Donald» (1971). Tram[p]as De La Comunicación Y La Cultura, (86), e052.