The speech of the Argentine rock - pop: democratic reconstruction and theoretical instances



Argentine rock, speech, liberate


The project that one presents in this yearbook of investigation relates to the thematic construction of the freedom that there articulate the lyric ones of Argentine rock - pop in the course of the period 1982-1989, taking as a reference the ending of the War of Malvinas and the conclusion of the first government of the recovered democracy and its results of work in a of scholarship and of doctoral thesis.

In this respect, from the link with the tematización of the freedom, there are born in mind the plots proposed in the general bases of the doctorate in Communication: the place of the power in the discursive practices, the minority speeches or majority (massive) postulates in the social space, and the construction of messages on social fractions in relation with the different languages and speeches.




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Author Biography

Cristian Eduardo Secul Giusti, Universidad Nacional de La Plata



How to Cite

Secul Giusti, C. E. (2015). The speech of the Argentine rock - pop: democratic reconstruction and theoretical instances. Anuario De Investigaciones, 1(11), 155–172. Retrieved from



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