Critical discourse studies, education and communication, background and reflections



Education, communication, discourse analysis, power, democratization


The purpose of this article is to link the fields of education and communication to discourse studies, using an integrative approach.

The link is established in two ways: that of the own trajectory in this field of confluence, as an educator and researcher, and the conceptual developments for the analysis of educational policies and practices. This integration allows both, a deepen understanding of phenomena of Education, and enrich it with categories to help to understand the new processes.

With regard to academic career, it reflects teaching and research productions aimed at linking these disciplines, with a political mark in a critical framework. As for the conceptual aspect, it draws lines and points of contact between educational experiences in Latin America, and Argentinian and regional authors’ lines of development, and mainly Saxon streams authors, on discourse analysis, critical sociology and critical pedagogy.

Discourse studies and its foundations are then introduced. More precisely the critical discourse analysis (CDA), its definition, characteristics and assumptions are developed, as well as its fertility to expose power abuse and neoconservative and market ideologies.

In the final considerations, the text highlights the value of linking communication, education and discourse analysis in order to contribute to the understanding of how powerful groups operate in the defense of their interests, through discursive constructions that come to become collective common sense. In order to reverse unjust situations and to generate more democratic relations is essential that critical discourse analysis is included in the education of educators and communicators, so they do not become mediators of the elite and can exercise other options and fairer discursive productions. In addition to criticizing and problematize these phenomena in relation to the structures and social practices, the analysis aims to reveal ruptures and contradictions that open/create possibilities of transformation through creative and productive forms of integration and use of democratizing discursive practices.


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How to Cite

Pini, M. (2016). Critical discourse studies, education and communication, background and reflections. Apuntes De comunicación, educación Y Discurso, (1), 01–18. Retrieved from



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