The in force regulation on violence against the woman



violences, women, access, justice


The article presents the work realized by an interdisciplinary group of investigators of the Universidad Nacional de La Plata (unlp), from a politically active and academic analysis of the feminism. Both parameters are taken as necessary instances to do visibly the woman as subject of right. Realized in the frame of a project of the Faculty of Juridical and Social Sciences of the unlp, the work it is structured concerning the women’s testimony victims of violence and it makes visible the vicissitudes that they suffer in the private and public instances, in the search of the fulfillment of his rights. Parallel, the article analyzes specific regulation on the subject matter in the province of Buenos Aires.



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How to Cite

González, M. (2015). The in force regulation on violence against the woman. Con X, (1), 73–96. Retrieved from


