Group of women trans and transvestites. An approximation to the configuration of them identitites

Un acercamiento a la configuración de sus identidades



speech, power, identities, transfobia


The work approaches the configuration of the identities trans and transvestites, emphasizing in his social dimension and in the question it brings over of how they undress and how they negotiate positions and singular senses in the bosom of the social thing, from the theoretical and conceptual tools that contribute the studies queer. Punctually, it is analyzed of what way the group of women trans and transvestites it is generated in and across a network of speeches, of identifications and of des-identifications, of technologies, of practices and of institucionalidades historically placed, that grant sense and value to the definition of themselves and of her reality.



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How to Cite

Actis, M. F., & Feijóo, M. A. (2015). Group of women trans and transvestites. An approximation to the configuration of them identitites: Un acercamiento a la configuración de sus identidades. Con X, (1), 107–130. Retrieved from


