The Profanation of Instinct: Stray Mothers in Classic Cinema
The Case of Surcos (Spain, 1951) and The Kidnapper (Argentina, 1958)
classic cinema, women, motherhood, representationAbstract
From a cultural perspective and with a comparative approach, the text analyzes, within the framework of classic Argentine and Spanish cinemas, representations of motherhood that fail to comply with the hegemonic paradigm that prescribes: unlimited tenderness, intensive care, absolute tolerance and constant dedication. Instead, it is possible to find laziness, inertia, incompetence and reluctance in the care and upbringing of children. The figuration of this «stray» woman-mother of the model is studied in the case of Surcos (Nieves Conde, Spain, 1951) and The Kidnapper (Torre Nilsson, Argentina, 1958).
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