The delict under sight: Utilísima and the dramatization of the delictive. The Entertainment perspective


  • Eray Arce Universidad Nacional de La Plata


Communication media, insecurity, entertainment, crimes, risk


In this paper the social construction of crime is analyzed through communication media from the entertainment point of view, taking as case study Código Alerta, a TV program from Utilísima Satelital. Through this perspective, criminal and victim dramatizations and kinds of crimes are analyzed, constructing the program in order to trace the main roles that risk notions, insecurity, crime and control play. This study analyzes how this relationship between insecurity and entertainment has been built, focusing mainly the form and also discourse, aesthetics, typographical, sound, linguistic and value resources. The entertainment point of view and the focus on formal resources intend to blend and widen visions. These causally understand a deliberate construction of the criminal thing and criminals from media and economic groups. This paper rescues other elements for the production of a complex crime idea, considering that this does not only appear as finished and coherent punitive discourses but as gestures, images, strategies, movements when trying to prevent insecurity.


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How to Cite

Arce, E. (2012). The delict under sight: Utilísima and the dramatization of the delictive. The Entertainment perspective. Cuadernos De H Ideas, 3(3). Retrieved from


