From the revolutionary intellectual to the critical intellectual: rereading Walsh in Controversia


  • Matías Carlos Farias


revolutionary intellectual, critical intellectual, argentinian exile, Rodolfo Walsh.


In this article we analize the reception of the "political thought" of Rodolfo Walsh in the magazine Controversia (1979-1981), more specifically, the reception and publication of one of his internal documents that Walsh, together with his in-command partners inside the Montoneros organization, wrote between August of 1976 and January of 1977, with the objective of producing an internal discussion that may be able to propel a critical analysis of the situation of Montoneros on those dramatic days. We are interested in this reception for two reasons: in first place, because it reveals one of the main reviews sustained in Controversia against the revolutionary organizations: the military defeat that the revolutionary organization was suffering was the consequence of a prior political defeat; in second place we are interested in this reception because it allows to understand how Controversia prepares the passage of the "revolutionary intellectual" to the "critical intellectual"


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Author Biography

Matías Carlos Farias

Prof. de Filosofía, docente de Pensamiento Argentino y Latinoamericano (FFyL, UBA), 35 años, argentino. Becario del CONICET.



How to Cite

Farias, M. C. (2013). From the revolutionary intellectual to the critical intellectual: rereading Walsh in Controversia. Cuadernos De H Ideas, 7(7). Retrieved from


