Objectivity and discourse in the ontologies of Laclau and Žižek: controversies between Abundance and Lack
Ernesto Lacau, Slavoj Žižek, Discourse, Abundance, LackAbstract
In this work we will try to reconstruct Ernesto Laclau's notion of discourse, seeking to account of how the objectivity register is configured in the different stages of his theoretical proposal. At the same time, we will seek to establish a counterpoint between Laclau's perspective and Slavoj Žižek's approach of this same dimension. We will try to insert the debate between both authors in the context of the distinction made by Tønder and omassen between the ontologies of lack and the ontologies of abundance, with the aim of inquiring around some of the controversies that go through Laclau's theoretical project in its attempt to articulate both orientations.
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