The elderly people and his voice


  • Analía Verónica Silnik National University of San Luis
  • Claudia Haydee Zampa National University of San Luis
  • Elvira Marcela Silva National University of San Luis


Elderly people, senile voice, UNSL, PAMI


In the present paper, we sought to determine the vocal characteristics in older adults who attend to various workshops at the National University of San Luis (UNSL), Argentina.

The voice in the elderly, is not considered important and is «abandoned».

In order to determine the vocal characteristics of this group were held, surveys to  directors of some of the workshops and vocal characteristics thereof were observed.

Senile voice, due to a natural phenomenon, is easily recognized, being hoarse, trembling, slow speech, among others.


Author Biographies

Analía Verónica Silnik, National University of San Luis

Associate Professor of Phoniatrics I Lic. In radio production and T.V. Faculty in Human Sciences at the National University of San Luis.

Associate Professor in Phoniaytics Lic. In Journalism at the Faculty of Human Sciences at the National University of San Luis.

Member of the Research Project "Voice Education"

Claudia Haydee Zampa, National University of San Luis

Associate Professor in Phoniatrics II Lic. In radio production and T.V. Faculty of Human Sciences at the National University of San Luis.

Associate Professor in Phoniatrics III Lic. In radio production and T.V. Faculty of Human Sciences at the National University of San Luis.

Member of the Research Project "Voice Education"

Elvira Marcela Silva, National University of San Luis

First Assistant in Phoniatrics I Lic. In radio production and T.V. Faculty of Human Sciences at the National University of San Luis.

First Assistant in Phoniatrics II Lic. In radio production and T.V. Faculty of Human Sciences at the National University of San Luis.

Member of the Research Project "Voice Education"



How to Cite

Silnik, A. V., Zampa, C. H., & Silva, E. M. (2016). The elderly people and his voice. Extensión En Red, (7), 248–267. Retrieved from



Informes de Proyectos/Programas de Extensión