Haciendo Palmas: A Work of Sistematization over the Practice of the Extension


  • Carmelo Gandini Tresols Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina
  • Tania Ortega Cayata Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina




intervention, human right, childhoods, youths, games, sport, territory


The objective is to make visible, from the sistematization, the work done in the project of extension “Haciendo palmas” in the territory “Las palmeras” which is located in the city of La Plata. What is more, another objetive of the project is to remark the importance that has in childhoods and youths the from diferent games, reacreations and sport which is not only a fundamental from where the children can express him/herself and make different kind of relationships with others but constitute a valuable practice for the construction of critical subjets in the society. This work frames in the conception of critical extensión, which came from emancipatorie processes in Latinoamerica fundamentally associated with labours, farm workers and student movements and associated with the conception of popular education too, which has come out from the heated social fighting all through the continet during the second part of XX century.


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How to Cite

Gandini Tresols, C. ., & Ortega Cayata, T. . (2023). Haciendo Palmas: A Work of Sistematization over the Practice of the Extension. Extensión En Red, (14), e038. https://doi.org/10.24215/18529569e038


