Ludic Memory and Cultural Heritage in Paso de las Duranas (Montevideo, Uruguay)
game, toy, free time, leisure, file, ludic memoryAbstract
In the present work we make a general description of the Space for Comprehensive Training (EFI in Spanish): Games, Free Time and Leisure. Ludic memory and cultural heritage in the Paso de las Duranas neighborhood that takes place within the framework of the Universidad de la República (UdelaR/Uruguay), as well as a presentation of the preliminary conceptual formulations derived from its implementation. In particular, a conceptual approach to the notion of ludic memory was tested at the investigative trajectories of the Education, Society and Leisure Research Group (ESTiL/ISEF/Udelar). This project aims to investigate and carry out an intervention linked with leisure practices developed in a neighborhood in Montevideo-Uruguay, focusing on games and toys as material forms that operate in the mediation between generations. On this axis we articulated the themes of archive, heritage and ludic memory.
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