Extension in the Expansion of Youth Educational Trajectories: Paths, Theoretical Perspectives and Challenges
Recorridos, perspectivas teóricas y desafíos
education as a right, physical education, outreach, educational trajectoriesAbstract
The following article presents the different guidelines that shape the extension project called “Towards the Public University: continuity of educational trajectories”. In the first instance, a journey is made on the moments that this extension project has been going through since 2016 until nowadays. It is mainly characterized by the value of the perspective of rights that distinguishes the educational policy of our country and at the same time making a strong emphasis on the fact that Higher Education is a possible universe for students who are finishing High School. In turn, it is anchored to 3 axes that structure and give meaning to our actions; a) the completion of secondary school, b) higher education as a right and c) university extension as a possibility of intervention, in the context of processes of “dialogues” between the university and the secondary school. Finally, systematization is approached as a theoretical-methodological strategy and as an indispensable resource to carry out extension practices with a critical and reflexive sense.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Martín Scarnatto, María Silvana Simoy, Silvia Pérez Torrecilla, Nicolás Viñes, Pablo Ariel Torres, Mariana Noemi Fuentes Berhau
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