Anti-populism in Argentina in the 21st century or when hate becomes a structuring political factor


  • Paula Biglieri CONICET y Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina
  • Gloria Perelló Universidad de Buenos Aires y Universidad Nacional de Moreno, Argentina



Neoliberalism, Populisms, Democracy, Hate, Social Ties


The authors develop an interpretation of the uses of hatred in the recent Argentinean political life. They try to unravel how hatred works as a structuring factor of anti-populism, specifically considering the experience of the political alliance ‘Let’s Change’ in power 2015-2019. The argumentative strategy follows the traces −according to the evidential paradigm− taken from three discursive pieces that had a major public impact. And it uses theoretical tools offered by psychoanalysis (in both Freudian and Lacanian versions) as well as the discourse analysis perspective of Laclau and Mouffe.


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How to Cite

Biglieri, P., & Perelló, G. (2020). Anti-populism in Argentina in the 21st century or when hate becomes a structuring political factor. RevCom, (10), e031.