The otherness in extimity


  • Verónica Beatriz Odetti Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina



Otherness, subjectivity, extimity, emotions


The present article intends to unravel the new configurations of subjectivity in the context of extimity (Sibilia, 2008), as in reflexively thinking about these new forms of being and appearing online, putting special focus in the configuration of the subjectivity that comes from alterity. To that end, we put the theoretical proposals of Lévinas, Maturana and Sibilia in tension. A new management of the self in its spatial-temporal coordinates then emerges, engraved in virtuallity and social media, where the face (Lévinas, 1987) and the legitimacy of the other (Maturana, 1997) acquire presence in the form of a like or emojis and stikers. There is no face nor emotions that could allow to configure alterity, caricatures appear, which mimic emotions and seek to replace the place of the other configuration of the subjectivity, that becomes instant, instagrammable and fleeting.


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How to Cite

Odetti, V. B. (2020). The otherness in extimity. RevCom, (10), e037.