From Material Reality to the Construction of an Identity Discourse: The Futurock Case


  • Juan Manuel Matoso Falcon Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento, Argentina



Political subject, alternative media, cultural identity, media scene


An observation about the mechanisms through which the legitimation of discourse and the material existence of a medium such as the Futurock digital platform is constituted will be developed throughout this work. From the elucidation of the processes of political subjectivation that find their roots in events in recent Argentine history, it will be seen how the existence of a medium like Futurock is incomprehensible separated from its particular context. The use of the internet as an outreach tool and the implementation of a relatively new form of financing, closely linked to the idea of ​​community, make this project a phenomenon of interest based on the possibilities of alternative media.


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How to Cite

Matoso Falcon, J. M. (2020). From Material Reality to the Construction of an Identity Discourse: The Futurock Case. RevCom, (11), e046.


