Communication and health

Tours and dialogues between knowledge production practices and processes


  • Mariela Rosana Cardozo Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina
  • Maria Flor Gianfrini Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina



communication and health, research, knowledge production, professional practices


When investigating in the field of Communication and Health, we observe an imbalance between professional practices -increasing and consolidating-, and little systematic reflection on them. Therefore, we propose, based on a concrete experience, to outline questions and reflections that allow us to understand where we are and where we are going. In this work we will reflect on research in communication and health, taking as a starting point the experience of the Final Integrative Work Workshop of the Specialization in Communication and Health of the Faculty of Journalism and Social Communication of the National University of La Plata, in the period 2015-2020. In this space we aim to promote research in communication and health, problematizing professional practices to produce knowledge.


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How to Cite

Cardozo, M. R. ., & Gianfrini, M. F. . (2021). Communication and health: Tours and dialogues between knowledge production practices and processes. RevCom, (12), e050.



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