Experiences of teaching in Public Health, learning and knowledge that became from the Communication


  • María Noel Rosa Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina
  • Anabel Pascual Universidad Nacional de La Pampa, Argentina




saúde e comunicação, teaching, university


The article starts from exchanging experiences between the training processes of communicators that take place in the Institutional Communication Management Workshop (Lic. In communication-UNLPam) and the Production and Analysis Workshop of communication materials (FPyCS-UNLP ). It is intended to contribute to professionalizing practices that make communication visible and hierarchical, and its professionals, in health processes; from the search for shared demands with workers and the generation of strategies to address health and its intersections. The communication / education approaches, from authors such as Jorge Huergo, the Argentine sanitary gaze, the Latin American communication / culture studies and critical extension, participate in the construction of these formative processes.


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How to Cite

Rosa, M. N. ., & Pascual, A. . (2021). Experiences of teaching in Public Health, learning and knowledge that became from the Communication. RevCom, (12), e055. https://doi.org/10.24215/24517836e055



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