University Radio, 100.7 FM

An Analysis of the University Audience of the National University of Pilar, Paraguay


  • María Lourdes Villalba Benítez Universidad Nacional de Pilar, Paraguay
  • Marcos Daniel Ramírez Alarcón Universidad Nacional de Pilar, Paraguay
  • Tania Inocencia Rivero Montiel Universidad Nacional de Pilar, Paraguay



radio, University, audience, station, frequency


The main objective of the work entitled university radio audience analysis, 100.7 FM at the National University of Pilar is to identify the characteristics of the university radio audience of Radio Universidad. The population was constituted by members of the educational community of the National University of Pilar, the selection of the sample was carried out by intentional sampling. Among the results, it stands out that the majority of the audience is female, although they have a preference for the frequency of listening to 100.7, they also listen to other stations, listening hours are in the morning and afternoon, most have a notion of the existence of 100. radio at UNP.


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How to Cite

Villalba Benítez, M. L. ., Ramírez Alarcón, M. D. ., & Rivero Montiel, T. I. . (2024). University Radio, 100.7 FM: An Analysis of the University Audience of the National University of Pilar, Paraguay. RevCom, (16), e085.


