Introduction to social and cultural consumption in analytical sociology


  • María Florencia Ares Universidad Nacional de Salta, Argentina
  • Javier Maximiliano Paesani Universidad Nacional de Salta, Argentina



mecanismo, modelo, acción, mercado cultural


In this article we present and analyze, in an epistemological dimension of sociological explanations framed in the general approach of what has been called “analytical sociology”, unified by a basic analogy: the mechanism. The main argument follows tightly to Hedström & Bearman (2009). Some applications presented by way of example are included in order to clarify the meaning of the mechanistic proposal. Finally, some problematic core related to the approach are indicated.

Keywords: model, action, cultural market


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How to Cite

Ares, M. F., & Paesani, J. M. (2019). Introduction to social and cultural consumption in analytical sociology. RevCom, (8), e011.