Formosa: the construction of a file for a musical memory



Memory, archive, testimony, non-fiction, narration, journalism, Formosa


The archive is constituted as a canon in different disciplines of the social sciences, but also in symbolic issues that seem unobjectionable: the refuge of memory, the expression of the past, the testimony of the history. This perception cross the dispute over the constitution of reality and the disposition of the file that journalism executes to support its daily work. Between the limitations of the rigor of the sources and the debate on the production of meaning, the possibility of crossing the genres by the very characteristics of their language endow the profession with a specificity that seemed alien: narrate through the montage. The category of post-autonomous literatures is introduced into the discussion of journalistic research by contemplating the artifice of documentation, opening possibilities of communication and fully disputing the constitution of new past, present and future truths.


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Author Biography

Fernando Brovelli, Universidad Nacional de San Martín, Argentina





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How to Cite

Brovelli, F. . (2021). Formosa: the construction of a file for a musical memory. Actas De Periodismo Y Comunicación, 7(1). Retrieved from



Ciencia, Narrativas y Memoria